1st song: Au Clair De La Lune by André Claveau and Mathé Altéry. It was recorded in France in 1983, but many other newer renditions have been recorded since then. I picked this one because it's my favorite.
2nd song: Petite Fleur by Jill Barber was written and recorded in 2013 but I couldn't find any answers online as to where this was recorded.
Musical Elements:
Style of singing: In the song Au Clair De La Lune and Petite Fleur there is a very different singing style being used in both of these songs that mainstream American music doesn't have. The sound is more delicate and drawn out, rather than heavy and jumpy like pop music in America. The singers use a lot of vibrato in their voice as they hold out these notes, providing an airy quality that uplifts the music. The vibrato in my opinion makes the singer sound kind of like an accordion. In French music, although not showcased in this blog, the accordion is a commonly used instrument.
The use of different instruments: In mainstream pop in America, there isn't any song that heavily features the violin or flute like Au Clair De La Lune. These instruments are primarily used in romantic songs in America, but since France is known for its romance, this is very common in French songs. It creates their own personal style of music and attributes to the soulful and mellow style of singing. In the song Petite Fleur it features the soulful melody of an accompanying saxophone that introduces a jazzy feel. I also noticed the fact that only a few instruments were being used in these songs, and not a mash up of instruments like American pop. This helps the listener really focus on both aspects of the songs without words or melodies getting drowned out by a bunch of instruments.
My opinion: I think French music is very beautiful and is a nice change from mainstream American pop songs. The jazzy feel and airy vocals are relaxing and the instruments they use are heavily influenced and romanticized by the French culture. American mainstream music is mainly pop which tends to be very jumpy with lots of different rhythms, while French music has more of a rounded out sound with steady melodies and flowing notes. It's easy to follow along to and listen to the vocals without getting distracted by the loud instrumentals.
David, Samantha. “A Beginner's Guide to Popular French Music for 2020.” The Connection, 1 June 2020, https://www.connexionfrance.com/Mag/Culture/ultimate-guide-to-popular-french-music-2020